a vector space W and linear maps g:RU→W and RQ:W→R such that for any q∈Q, RQ(q)=maxν∈M s.t. g(ν)=qRν(ν).a H-polytope Q:=g(M)⊆W that we call the occupancy polytope
a vector space W and linear maps g:RU→W and RQ:W→R such that for any q∈Q, RQ(q)=maxν∈M s.t. g(ν)=qRν(ν).
a H-polytope Q:=g(M)⊆W that we call the occupancy polytope
Confusing: you’re using Q before you defined it. Also, instead of writing “s.t.” in the subscript, you can write “:”
Confusing: you’re using Q before you defined it. Also, instead of writing “s.t.” in the subscript, you can write “:”